100% Safe - No Additional Permissions

TTV Adblock Extension

Remove annoying ads on Twitch.tv with the TTV Adblock Chrome Extension. Say goodbye to video interruptions, pop-ups, and more, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.


The Most Trusted Extension


1,042 Ratings

free to use icon

Free To Use

Get the ad-free experience without the need to pay for a premium account

toggle button

Toggle On/Off

Toggle the extension "ON" or "OFF" with a single click

adblock icon

No Additional Permission

We are only requesting the required permissions for the extension to work

safe icon

Safe & Lightweight

Completely secure & lightweight, ensuring it won't affect your system's speed

How it Works

Install TTV Adblock

Add the adblock extension for Twitch by clicking on the 'ADD TO CHROME' button

Open Twitch.tv Website

Go to the Twitch website to watch your favorite streams

Play Any Video

Now enjoy the ad-free experience

What permission we are using?


To block or modify the ads requests

host permissions

Requesting Twitch.tv host permission


To store the extension settings


To implement the ad block script on a tab

🌱 TTV Adblock Eco-Friendly Mode

Our eco-friendly mode lets you effortlessly plant trees and offset carbon emissions at no cost while browsing the web, enhancing the environmental impact of our extension.

To make this possible and empower you to combat climate change, we’ve partnered with over 100,000 merchants. TTV Adblock provides this service to you completely free of charge.

Best Adblocker for Twitch™

Year Founded
0 K+
Visitors Per Month
0 K+



This is the only ad blocker that blocks Twitch ads for me.

Mike S.

Chrome Extension User

twitch adblock review

Block all ads for free

Enjoy ad-free streams now!